Disguised Nude

Inspired by Roger Hiltons ‘Ghislaine and Grey Nude’

This project was inspired by a painting by Roger Hilton called ‘Ghislaine and Grey Nude’.  Making a piece of work that responds to something so concrete was a new way of working for me, but I certainly enjoyed it. The mixture of medias was also a different experience and although this is the only mixed media project I have done I would like to try more of it some day.

There was quite a bit of experimenting, both with nude photography, sizes and qualities, before I ended up with these images, and then I printed off a bunch of them on matt paper and got out the paint. I had to use both the traditional paintbrushes, in different sizes, but also cans and other more creative tools to achieve the effect and texture I wanted. Once I started painting I decided not to discard any of the images and thereby managed to avoid the editing problem.

As of other inspiration I looked at wellknown artists like Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Willem de Kooning and also the more contemporary painter Ian McKeever. It was quite helpful and encouraging to look through their work and I believe some of the influences are rather visible in my final piece.

The project is about the female body, how we have the power to disguise us self, and how originality is so hard to these days. It also comments on how there always seems to be an underlying sexual meaning in popular culture and media. My title “Disguised Nudes” reflects some of this, but still gives you, as an audience, a chance to make your own interpretation.